Faculty-Student Interaction: Gear Up NOW for Increased Student Engagement and Persistence

Faculty-Student Interaction: Gear Up NOW for Increased Student Engagement and Persistence

Proactively managing faculty-student interaction is easy with ENGAGE Engineering’s Faculty-Student Interaction strategies. They are research-based, time-effective, and easy to implement. And the payoff in terms of student retention can be substantial.

Check out these FSI tips and build one or more into your upcoming classes this fall.

Lady Liberty in the Engineering Classroom

Lady Liberty in the Engineering Classroom

Have a Happy Independence Day on July 4th! The iconic Statue of Liberty is a powerful symbol recognized by people all over the world. Lady Liberty is familiar, easy to relate to, and she’s… blue-green. A perfect subject for an Everyday Example in Engineering!

Take a look at them now while you have the time, and build one or more into your course syllabi for the fall. Your students will benefit and there’s evidence that teaching evaluation do, too.

Make the Most of Your Office Hours!

Make the Most of Your Office Hours!

Finals week is right around the corner.

About this time every semester,undergraduate students’ confidence in how much they really understand, and how well they can score well on your final, often gets a little shaky. The pressure is on... and not just on them. How about the pressure on your office hours?

Beat the rush, make office hours fun, and reduce stress while assisting students before finals week with this ENGAGE tip to make office hours more productive with small groups.